The next day, he battled fevers and stomach pains all day. One of the side effects of the medicine he was on was stomach cramps. My wife was on the phone multiple times with our Pedtrician's office throughout the day. They simply said that it could be gas. They recommended gas relief pills and said to call back if he doesn't improve.
Around 6pm, Griffey was sleeping but he was breathing really hard. You could see his chest/stomach retracting severely. At that point, we took him to Urgent Care. There, he was diagnosed with H1N1 and pneumonia. He was admitted into Children's Hospital Thursday night and wasn't released until Sunday afternoon. I stayed the night with him Friday night to relieve my wife. That night, I caught something as well and felt like I had been run over by a truck.
Griffey is home now, and I am feeling better. Although, my other son, Brady, just threw his guts up about an hour ago. Here we go again.
Tonight was the first time in a week that I have played any poker. Ever since my break earlier this month, I have lacked the intense motivation that I am normally accustomed to. Those close to me know that I would rather play poker than breath. So lack motivation is saying something.
Tonight was different. Tonight, I was eager to play. Tonight, I played pretty good. I had really good focus and took my time to think through every post flop decision. Unfortunately, I didn't have any super deep MTT runs, but I did manage to chop an $11 45 man and finish 3rd in another one. Overall, I am up about $130 on the night. Next post I hope to be describing an epic win for $4k or $5k.
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