Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Year, New Goals

This seems to be about as good a time as ever to update my blog.  2011 was a very stressful and trying year for me.  That is why I am excited to see the calendar flip over.  I have a couple of projects I am working on and several irons in the fire.  With a little dedication, and a little luck, 2012/2013 will be a great year for the Dye family.

Setting goals is one of the most common traits among successful people.  I have never had a problem setting goal.  It's the following through part that I have had trouble with.  This year, I am going to set some broad year end goals as well as short term monthly goals.  Monthly goals should be easier to focus on, and, if I can meet most of my monthly goals, my year end ones should be in striking distance by year end.

2012 Goals

Increase my revenues by 12% at work.
Eliminate my "financial question marks".
Have vacation money saved up by June 1.
Get in better shape.
Rehab my shoulder.
Join a softball team for fall league.
Play basketball at least twice a month by September.
Help out more with household chores.
Accurately track my poker profits - to the dime.
Show a profit in all phases of poker (live and online, cash and tournaments).
Show better discipline with bankroll management.
Update my blog monthly at the least.

January 2012 Goals

Exercise M-F after I get the kids on the bus.
Play <$10 MTT's in January regardless of BR (online).
Limit cash games to 10% of BR (online).
Save $100 for vacation.

I am sure I'll come up with some additional goals, which I'll add in future months.

Good luck to all in 2012.

Live long and prosper.  haha